Design & Architecture

Duffau &Associé·e·s
Nathalie Bruyère & Pierre Duffau
9 bis, rue de la Colombette
F – 31000 Toulouse
Tél. +33 (0)5 61 32 64 09

Press relationships / Legal notice & copyright

Duffau &Associé·e·s
Nathalie Bruyère & Pierre Duffau
9 bis, rue de la Colombette
F – 31000 Toulouse
Tél. +33 (0)5 61 32 64 09

Press relationships / Legal notice & copyright

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Project management Flint + Duffau &Associé·e·s
Engineering Egis + Ide
Project owner Promologie
Mission Complete
Amount of work 1200€/m²
Labels Low energy building + BBC
Surface area 120 m²

The morphology is based on the agency's preferred themes: double orientation, fluidity of the interior living spaces, natural lighting for each room. The North-South orientation is articulated with the main living rooms; rooms such as the kitchen and bathrooms are oriented East or West. The living space is developed on two levels: one, daytime, on the ground floor, has a direct relationship with the gardens, the other, on the first floor, is the "night area".